Favorite LDS Author(s):
Matthew Brown and S. Michael Wilcox
Favorite Genre to Read:Doctrinal
Favorite LDS Music Artist:
Katherine Nelson and Kenneth Cope
Favorite LDS Movie:
One Good Man and The Best Two Years
Michael is the owner of Boyd's LDS Books
Favorite LDS Author(s):
Ogden, Skinner, Nibley and Callister.
Favorite Genre to Read:
Inspirational and Mystery
Favorite LDS Music Artist:
Alex Boye, and The Nashville Tribute Band
Favorite LDS Movie:
Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration
Cheryl has worked at Boyd's for over 9 years, giving her extensive knowledge about our products.
Favorite LDS Author:
Chris Stewart
Favorite Genre to Read:Drama
Favorite LDS Music Artist:Jenny Oaks Baker
Favorite LDS Movie:Saturday’s Warrior
Marisol is our official Spanish translator.Favorite LDS Author:
Lisa Mangum
Favorite Genre to Read:
Favorite LDS Music Artist:
Jon Schmidt
Favorite LDS Movie:
The Best Two Years
Megan brings humor and laughter to the store. There's just no way you can be in a bad mood when she's around.
Aw, thanks! :D